OneDrive for Business

OneDrive for Business

OneDrive is an online storage feature that is part of your Office 365 account and is associated with your email address at SPU.  It is accessible directly through spu.edu/onedrive or using the OneDrive application.


  • Store up to 1 TB of data in the cloud
  • Share files with SPU accounts
  • Access your files using a web browser or mobile device
  • Synchronize your files on multiple computers with the OneDrive App300px

Who Can Use OneDrive?

OneDrive is available to all current SPU students, faculty, and staff members.  Additional licensing details can be found here: Microsoft Campus License Agreement

Policies & Guidelines

Files stored in OneDrive for Business are subject to the Computer Acceptable Use policy and Computer User Accounts and Resources policy.  

SPU has also identified that certain types of electronically stored information be maintained and documented properly. Keep in mind that there are guidelines for electronically stored information. Please refer to The Regulated Data Chart for guidance to help you choose appropriate technology tools for sending, storing and sharing institutional information. 

How Can I Access my SPU OneDrive?

Web browser

  • Navigate to spu.edu/onedrive and log in with your SPU credentials.
  • You can selectively download any file in your OneDrive and even upload directly through your browser.

OneDrive Application

SPU-Managed Windows Computer

    • New Windows 10 computers already have OneDrive installed and it can be found by searching OneDrive in the Start Menu.
    • If OneDrive is not already installed open the Software Center from your start menu.
    • Under the Available Software tab use the search field and search for OneDrive.
    • Click the Install button in the lower right-hand corner.
    • Once completed, search OneDrive in the start menu
    • When prompted for credentials, type your full SPU Username with the "@spu.edu" portion and password.

SPU-Managed Mac Computer

    • Open the App Store and search for OneDrive.
    • When prompted for credentials, type your full SPU Username with the "@spu.edu" portion and password.

Personal Computer

Windows 10

Search OneDrive in the start menu and log in with your SPU account. If OneDrive does not populate on your PC, you can download and install the program here.

Windows 7 and 8.1

Students, Faculty and Staff should go to the SPU Download Center and download Office.

If prompted for credentials, type your full SPU Username with the "@spu.edu" portion and password.


Open the App Store and search for OneDrive

When prompted for credentials, type your full SPU Username with the "@spu.edu" portion and password.

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