Microsoft Office Applications

Office is a suite of software and services provided by Microsoft to SPU as part of the Microsoft 365 for Education offering.

Available Software

  • Word
  • Excel
  • Outlook
  • PowerPoint
  • OneNote
  • Access (with some limitations/not available on Mac)
  • Publisher (with some limitations/not available on Mac)

Desktop Applications

Current students and most employees are eligible to install Office desktop applications.  See the links below for instructions on installing Office:

Eligible desktop users are allowed 5 installations of the product. You can track your available installations–including deactivation of old installs–by following these instructions from Microsoft.

Web Applications

In addition to the desktop applications, current students and employees are all eligible to use Office Applications directly from a web browser.  Simply log in to using your SPU username and password.

Some employees are not licensed for desktop applications and only have access to Office Web Applications or on specially configured workstations that use a shared device license for Office.

Mobile Applications

Office is available on Android and iOS.  See the links below for installation instructions and additional details.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I graduate & leave SPU?

You will generally retain access to Microsoft Office desktop applications up to 1 year after your last registered course.  See more licensing details here: Microsoft Campus License Agreement.