SPU-Alert System

SPU-Alert System

SPU uses SPU-Alert (from Rave Mobile Security) for disseminating official information via email, text messages, telephones, loudspeakers and other means, to keep the campus community informed during emergencies. 

Sign Up

  • SPU faculty, staff, and students should go to the Banner Information System to add or modify your contact methods for emergency notification. The SPU-Alert System is automatically updated on a nightly basis with the information that you have stored in Banner. 

Select the "Personal Menu" tab, then the "Emergency Alert System" option

- Add or update Text/SMS devices to receive text alerts. Add or update email addresses to receive email alerts (your SPU email address will be included automatically).

  • "Guest users" (non-students, non-employees, parents of students) may request to be added to the SPU-Alert System by using the "Register" button on the SPU-Alert sign-in page. Registering for SPU-Alert will subscribe you to campus-wide emergency alerts and may also include you in messages about campus emergency drills, severe weather affecting campus, and other communications. Use of SPU-Alert as a guest user is subject to SPU’s Guest User Terms and Conditions, and your registration as a Guest User constitutes your agreement to such terms.

SPU-Alert "Guest Accounts" are purged from the alerting system annually. You will receive an alert when you are removed with instructions to re-register at www.getrave.com/login/spu if you wish to continue to receive emergency alerts from SPU.

Not Receiving Texts?

  • If a user is correctly registered for the emergency contact system but is not receiving texts that are sent out through that system, follow the steps below to register the "short code" of the institution.
    1. Ensure you are sending from the cell phone number that you have registered
    2. Send a text message to:   226784 and/or 67283
    3. In the body of the text message enter the word:  START
    4. Press send.
    5. Within a few minutes you should receive a reply that the start command has been successful.