TechSmith Relay

TechSmith Relay

Panopto has replaced TechSmith Relay as the supported lecture capture system. Visit Panopto Documentation here.

TechSmith Relay give anyone at SPU the ability to record and share videos securely.  It includes an easy to use desktop and mobile recorder, built-in quizzing and analytic tools, plus online storage to host and manage both videos and images used in the classroom or elsewhere on campus.  This program is installed by default across podium computers and may be installed on faculty and staff office computers through the Install SPU Programs shortcut on the desktop.

This software is available to all current faculty, staff, and students at SPU. Follow the steps below to install the software on your personal computer.

Install TechSmith Relay on an SPU Computer

  1. Open Software Center
  2. Select TechSmith Relay and select install

Install TechSmith Relay on a Personal Computer

  1. Go to spu.techmsithrelay.com and select Sign in.
  2. Log into the site with your SPU Username and Password. 
  3. After successfully logging into the site, click the Download Recorder button and select the appropriate client for you computer.

Record a Screencast

Learn how to Record a Screencast using TechSmith Relay through training videos on the official TechSmith website.

Note: You will receive an email notification when your screencast has successfully published to spu.techsmithrelay.com.

Add Captions to a Screencast

  1. Go to spu.techmsithrelay.com and select Sign in.
  2. Log into the site with your SPU Username and Password. 
  3. Click on the video that you want to add captions to.
  4. Click on "Closed Captioning" below the video.

Additional Resources

TechSmith Relay Online Resources.

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