Resolving Sync Issues

Resolving Sync Issues

OneDrive for Business will alert you if there are any syncing issues from your local copy to the cloud copy. In this case, OneDrive will send a notification for resolution. Here are the steps to resolving sync issues.

  1. If you are prompted with a notification of sync issue, please right-click on the banner.
  2. If during your sync and you do not see this alert, please check the OneDrive for Business icon, located at the bottom right of the desktop. You will see a red "x" mark as seen in the image.
  3. Left-click the icon to pull up the notification.
  4. Left-click on the red "x" mark within the circle to pull up a menu that contains what files are causing an issue with syncing your files to the cloud.
  5. By clicking on what file or folder is causing the issue with syncing, OneDrive will open to that directory which contains the issue. The error will specify why it is causing an issue with syncing. In this case, the issue is because the folder name is prohibited within OneDrive.

For more assistance, please visit this Microsoft article for more information.

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