SPU Room Finder Permissions

SPU Room Finder Permissions


When reserving rooms, users can see different rooms as being available depending on their permissions. These permissions may also allow users to reserve rooms without needing approval.  In addition to reserving rooms, space approvers are often set up to receive requests to use a particular space and either approve or deny the request.  Information about the particular permissions and how to change them can be found below.

Requesting Rooms on Campus

Certain rooms are also only available to specific groups on campus. These rooms should be booked using SPU Room Finder - Web or through the SPU Room Finder - Outlook plug-in. Selecting department specific categories in either application will decrease the scope of rooms available, but increase permissions for those rooms. These permissions include booking rooms without approval or the ability to reserve more spaces.  

If you would like to reserve rooms that you currently cannot view, we recommend you contact the space approver or department that manages the space.

Change Space Approver Permissions

If you are a managing a space or changing who administers a particular space, then you may request the change of permissions via Banner.

New users who are managing space through EMS/SPU Room Finder can request proper permissions via Banner by following these instructions:

    • Banner → Personal Menu → Computer Accounts Menu  → Request Additional Accounts  → EMS Client

Users who already have an EMS Client account can request increased permissions:

    • Banner → Personal Menu → Computer Accounts Menu  → Manage Your Accounts →  Request Increased Permissions (to the right of the appropriate resource).

Change Space Configuration Information

If you manage a space and the room information has changed or the configuration of the room and the equipment available as changed, please email help@spu.edu with the following information:

  • Building and room number
  • Explanation of what information or equipment has changed
    • This includes room size
    • Contact information of person who administers the space
    • Room availability
    • Guidelines for Room Usage
    • Setup Information
    • Room Features

Student Leader Positions Permissions

In order for a students to have permissions to request additional rooms in their role as a Student Leader, their leadership role must first be entered into Banner for the Academic Quarters they are in the role. This data is typically entered into Banner by the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership for student clubs and organizations or by Residence Life for Residential Advisers.

Please coordinate with either department to get student leadership positions properly entered in Banner. Once students are entered into the system, they are granted permission to the Student Leader-requestable spaces via an overnight process.

If the information has been entered be either department and a student leader has not gained access to requestable spaces, please contact the CIS Help Desk at help@spu.edu.

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