Requesting Additional Spaces

Requesting Additional Spaces


Most users have the ability to request spaces on campus due to their employment or student activities (recorded in Banner). Those permissions are set by the space managers around campus and are defined by users' roles. As such, some groups will only have access to a subset of rooms to request (notably Student Leaders and Orgs cannot request all spaces, and Student Employee generally cannot request spaces on behalf of their department).

Some situations have arisen where a user has a compelling business need to request spaces, but is not included in those more broadly-defined groups. Users in this situation who believe they should have permission to request more space on behalf of their department, committee or other official SPU group can submit a request for being added to an "allow list" for those permissions. Below is a description of the verification process they will go through for vetting the appropriate use before being granted permissions.

Request Process

  1. User emails help@spu.edu requesting additional permissions, including the following information:
    1. The user's role and function pertinent to this request and the official group in which they are working.
    2. The types of spaces and/or specific spaces they would like to be able to request and for what purpose.
    3. The name and contact information for their manager, committee chairperson, or other supervisor.
    4. The duration the additional permissions will be needed.
    5. Link to this policy page: Requesting Additional Spaces
  2. The Business Systems Team in Computer & Information Systems will get the request and proceed with evaluation of the use-case described, including:
    1. Evaluation of whether the use case fits existing permissions structures and can be met or ought to be denied based on those.
    2. Evaluation of whether the use case fits the criteria for additional permissions defined by the campus-wide space manager group.
    3. Evaluation of whether the use case is a business need for an official SPU organization/group.
    4. Contact with the supervisor for confirmation of the request and position and to gather any additional information needed.
  3. As a result of this evaluation, the request will likely be responded to in one of the following general ways:
    1. Approval of the request and the user being Allow-Listed into appropriate permissions for a specific period of time.
    2. Denial of the request and the user being informed of other existing avenues available to them to requesting the space(s).
    3. Denial of the request with a reason why the request is being denied along with contact information for any additional questions.

Timing: This process can take up to 5 business days to complete, so if the need for booking a space is urgent, please have someone else in your department, committee or other official SPU group book the space on your behalf while your permissions request is being processed.

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