Record a webcam video, screen capture, or audio recording as a feedback comment in SpeedGrader

Record a webcam video, screen capture, or audio recording as a feedback comment in SpeedGrader


If you access Canvas using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your web browser, you can record a webcam video, audio, or screen capture as a comment on student submissions in SpeedGrader. Following instruction will show you how to use this new feature in SpeedGrader.

Open SpeedGrader

Canvas allows you to access SpeedGrader from an assignment, quiz, or graded discussion.

Access SpeedGrader from Assignment

  • In Course Navigation, click the Assignments [1] link.

  • Locate the assignment you want to give comments.

  • Click the assignment Options icon [2]. Then click the SpeedGrader link [3].

Access SpeedGrader from a Quiz

  • In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes [1].

  • Click the Options icon [2]. Then click the SpeedGrader link [3].

Access SpeedGrader from a Graded Discussion

  • In Course Navigation, click the Discussions [1].

  • Click the Options icon [2]. Then click the SpeedGrader link [3].


  • Within an open graded assignment or quiz, the SpeedGrader link displays in the sidebar under Related Items.

Open Student Submission

After you get in the SpeedGrader, you can use the student list to locate a student submission.

Use Studio Capture for Comments

In the Comments area, there is a Video icon that allows you to use screen capture to leave comments.

View Record Media Tab

By default, the Record Media tab displays. You can use the Record Media tab options to create a webcam video, an audio recording, or a screen capture recording. You can also create a picture-in-picture recording using your webcam while sharing your screen.

Select Camera Options

By default, the media recorder connects to your computer's default webcam.

To change your camera settings, click the Camera drop-down menu [1]. Then select a camera name [2]. To disable the camera, select the Webcam Disabled option [3].

Camera names vary depending on the cameras installed on your computer.

Select Microphone Options

By default, the media recorder connects to your computer's default microphone.

To change your microphone settings, click the Mic button [1]. Then select one of the displayed microphone options [2].

To disable the microphone and record without audio, select the Microphone Disabled option [3].

Microphone names vary depending on the mics installed on your computer.

Select Screen Sharing Options

By default, screen capture is disabled. To record the screen, click the Screen Capture drop-down menu [1]. Then select the Enabled option [2].

Share Browser Tab

To screen share the contents of a tab on your browser, click the [Browser] Tab option [1]. Then, select a tab name from the list [2]. View a preview of the selected tab [3].

To share tab audio, click the Also share tab audio toggle on [4].

To begin screen sharing, click the Share button [5].