Business Intelligence and Reporting

Business Intelligence and Reporting

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    Argos is one of SPU's reporting and business intelligence tools. It can be used by any area of the university to generate or view reports and dashboards with information from almost any campus data system.

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    Data Warehouse The SPU Data Warehouse is a cross platform collection of objects and records that aids in the aggregate analysis of institutional data.
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    Power BI

    Power BI is a Data Visualization software developed by Microsoft that focuses on Business Intelligence. Power BI provides cloud-based BI services, known as "Power BI Services", along with it's desktop client, "Power BI Desktop", and offers data management capabilities like data preparation and interactive dashboards.

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    Tableau is an enterprise Business Intelligence and Data Visualization system from Tableau Software. It can produce dashboards against nearly any industry standard data structure, including Excel spreadsheets and SQL-based data systems.  

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