Office Move Checklist

Office Move Checklist


When an office changes physical locations on campus this checklist can help ensure a smooth transition.

This list is not exhaustive and input from users is encouraged!  What additional checklist items need to be added?  (Please send suggestions to help@spu.edu)

Please MAKE THE ASSUMPTION that any offices/departments related to the items below do not know that you are moving unless your department has directly notified them. If an office is moving and needs any of the tasks below to be completed, the onus is on the department that is moving to request partnership from the relevant offices/departments.


Here are some things to consider when changing office locations:

  • Physical equipment (Facilities: 206-281-2330; workcontrol@spu.edu)
    • How to get boxes and packing materials?  (When will you get them?)
    • Labeling conventions for boxes for correct delivery at new site
    • What if employees are out of the office when the move happens? (sabbatical, medical leave, etc)
    • Will there be an interim location?  If so, packing strategy for short term and long term?
    • What will you do to get rid of items as the office de-clutters and boxes up the essentials?
    • Do you need new equipment in your new space?   (conference table?  refrigerator? window coverings? etc)
  • Network (Computer & Information Systems: 206-281-2982; help@spu.edu)
    • WiFi
    • Wired Connections for computers
    • Security camera
    • Emergency telephone
    • Multi-Factor Printer 
  • Web Page Updates (University Communications: 206-281-2051; uc-info@spu.edu)
    • How will your constituents know you moved?
    • How will campus know that you've moved?  (email to fac/staff? email to students?  fac/staff bulletin? Loopy?)
    • Are there other departments that need your new address on their web pages?  
    • Address update on Departments listing on SPU web page?
  • Letterhead and Business Cards
    • Is physical location currently specified on your stationery supplies? Order new ones from Banner Employee Menu.
  • Receiving Mail (Mailing Services: 206-281-2077; Mailing.Services@spu.edu)
    • When should Mailing deliver to your new location?
    • Does Human Resources (x2809; HR@spu.edu) have the correct address and phone information for employees in their new location?
  • Signage (Facilities: 206-281-2330; workcontrol@spu.edu)
    • What is needed to direct guests correctly inside your new location?
    • Outside, for parking?  And finding building entrance?
    • Emergency Readerboard?
    • "We've moved!" signs at old location?
  • SPU ID Card Access for Doors (Safety & Security: 206-281-2922; securityinfo@spu.edu)
    • Physical card reader installed?
    • Alarm codes?
    • Disable access to old location and add permissions to ID cards for new location
  • Room Management updates needed?  (Conference Services: 206-281-2187; conferenceservices@spu.edu)
    • Will new department be occupying former space?  Relinquish room request approvals?
    • Will there be new requestable space for general meetings?
    • Can the new space be selected for Plant Service/Maintenance tickets?
    • Are there classrooms in the new space? If so, does this change class scheduling preferences?  
  • How does your department's emergency plan change based on your new location? (Safety & Security: 206-281-2922; securityinfo@spu.edu)
    • Are there already Building Emergency Coordinators (BECs) in your new space?
    • Is your former space now without a BEC?
  • University Directory (Banner) Updates (Human Resources; 206-281-2809; hr@spu.edu)
    • Does your campus address in Banner need to be updated?

Designed For

Deans and directors who are leading the office move project, and any staff who are responsible for details of an office move.

Getting Started

Determine the timeline for your move. 

Determine who all is moving. 

If useful to you, print this page as a pdf (click on ellipsis on top right of page, then "export to PDF").   Add any additional steps as needed.  Put tasks and deadlines onto your department's calendar. Determine who in your department is responsible for which aspects of the move.

Start notifying partnering offices about your move so they can plan.  Don't assume your timeline will align perfectly with their availability.  Build in some margin.

Develop a communication plan internally. Have redundancy on your team in case a key person is gone, someone else can provide leadership and/or answer questions.

Technical Support and Training

If you have questions, find help in the partnering offices.  All of the offices related to the tasks above have partnered in other office moves, and should be able to assist in getting your questions answered.

Administration and Maintenance

Generally speaking, the above list would involve partnerships with Conference Services, Facilities & Project Management, Human Resources, Mailing, Computer & Information Systems, Safety & Security, and University Communications.



  • Any SPU office that is changing physical locations


  • Someone in the moving office coordinates the details

Support & Training

  • Contact partnering offices for specific tasks or questions

Get Started

  • Reference the checklist, assign tasks, begin communicating

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