Computer Build (image)

Computer Build (image)


SPU-owned computers are deployed with the "SPU image".  Imaging is the process of installing an operating system onto a computer via a standardized mechanism.  This provides for a consistent user experience and facilitates security patching. 

Just as an airline benefits in safety and efficiency by owning a fleet of the same aircraft, SPU benefits from having a homogenous set of computers. 


Having an operating system image means users can reasonably expect the behavior of any computer on campus to match that of any other computer on campus.  The login procedure, the speed, and the commonly-used applications available should match.

Designed For

The SPU image is designed for both the users and the administrators.  Users have a consistent experience; administrators have greater efficiency in setting up new computers and in troubleshooting issues that arise.  A fix for one can be a fix for all.

Getting Started

Because SPU has already been using an image, minimal modifications are needed periodically, but it shouldn't be necessary to create a brand new image sequence.

Technical Support and Training

Questions about the SPU image can be directed to the CIS HelpDesk via help@spu.edu or (206)281-2982 or initiate a HelpDesk Ticket.

Administration and Maintenance

CIS staff create and maintain the SPU image.

Having an operating system image means users can reasonably expect the behavior of any computer on campus to match that of any other computer on campus.  The login procedure, the speed, and the commonly-used applications available should match.



  • Employees who are provided with (or use) an SPU-owned computer

Support & Training

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