


 Banner is SPU's Enterprise Resource and Planning (ERP) system.  It has two access points: one is Self-Service Banner and the other is Administrative Banner.

It is made by Ellucian and is used by 1600+ colleges and universities worldwide. The Banner ERP system at SPU includes these integrated modular systems: Student Information System, Financial Aid Processing, Accounts Receivable, Finance and Accounting, Payroll, Human Resources Management, Continuing Education Management and Registration, and Workflow. 

It has been in use at SPU since 1991 and is the authoritative source for most institutional data.  Banner is the integration hub that sends data to most other SPU systems, including Canvas and Raiser's Edge.


Banner has two different points of access.  One is the web portal, called Self-Service Banner.  This allows people to manage their personal information, register for classes, pay tuition, etc.  The other is called Administrative Banner, and is the means by which employees carry out business operations, such as disbursing financial aid, configuring courses and majors, and managing employee benefits.

Designed For

Banner is designed for higher education, and provides solutions for many business operations common to a university setting.  The anticipated users of Banner are university students, faculty, and staff, and span the functions identified above (such as financial aid processing, accounts receivable, payroll, etc.).

Getting Started

If you have an SPU Username and password you already have access to Banner (Self-Service Banner).  You can get to Banner from the SPU Homepage via the My SPU menu in the upper right corner of the page.

Administrative Banner is a restricted resource. To request access or to have your permissions changed, follow the instructions linked below, respectively:

Access will be granted after a review by a CIS administrator who will confirm the access is required for your job or check with your supervisor for approval. 

Technical Support and Training

Self-service Banner users can contact the CIS HelpDesk with any questions about login.  Otherwise, please contact the relevant department if there are concerns about a specific process (for instance, contact Payroll if you have trouble with your time sheet, or Student Academic Services if you have trouble registering.) 

Training for Administrative Banner users is provided by CSMs and power users residing in SPU business units. Online training resources and manuals can be found below.  New Administrative-Banner users should confer with their colleagues to find out where any additional documentation is kept for their specific department. 

Administration and Maintenance

CIS is responsible for maintaining Banner.  Business units around campus are responsible for testing and verifying that any upgrades or patches are working as intended, and can champion any new functionality that is being deployed by Ellucian.


  • Anyone with a SPU username and password


  • Web browser

Support & Training

  • Contact the relevant department for your objective (for instance, Student Academic Services for registration concerns)
  • Check System Status
  • For login assistance contact the CIS HelpDesk: help@spu.edu or (206)281-2982.

Get Started

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