Campus Calendar Policies & Procedures

Campus Calendar Policies & Procedures

The SPU Campus Calendar provides a centralized collection of campus events and deadlines. The calendar is as complete and accurate as possible, but there is no guarantee that all items are included, nor that there haven't been changes to some events that might not be reflected in the on-line version. Most events on the calendar will provide a contact person for additional followup, questions or verification of details.

General Guidelines:

  • University Only Events - Only University sponsored events and activities will be included on the calendar. University sponsorship must be by a department, oganization or club.

  • Only Official Announcements - Submission of events should only be made after the event is approved by the sponsoring organization and the primary details are finalized. Please don't post "tentative" items. Submission of events should only be made by an official representative of the sponsoring organization.

  • Submit Well in Advance - Once an item is submitted through one of the methods, it will be reviewed and approved prior to being listed on the calendar. It is recommended that you submit your items well in advance of the event to allow sufficient time for the item to be reviewed and approved.

  • Not All Events Will Be Listed - In order to maintain a manageable number of items on the campus calendar, judgment will be used to decide whether an event will be listed or not. Some events that have a narrow audience or interest WILL NOT be included.

  • Items May Be Modified - The calendar managers may modify the descriptions or other other information that is submitted to improve consistency, clarity and format or request that the event planner do so before approving the event.

  • Review Your Postings - Most events submitted for inclusion on the calendar will be reviewed and approved (or rejected) within a week. Please review your events after they are listed on the calendar to verify that all information is accurate. Changes to your events after they have been listed should be made through the same method you used to submit the event (RoomFinder, Campus Calendar or EMS Client).


For more information on how events get on the SPU Campus Calendar or how to submit an event to the calendar, see the following pages:


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