Opening Adobe Software on a Shared Device

Opening Adobe Software on a Shared Device

The following instructions outline how to login to Adobe software installed on shared devices.

Note: Licensed Faculty/Staff are encouraged to follow these instructions instead: Opening Adobe Software as Faculty/Staff

  1. The first time you open Adobe Software you will be prompted to sign in with your Adobe ID.  This is a personal ID that you create with Adobe and will be used on SPU Lab computers.

  2. If you have a personal Adobe ID sign in with your email address and password.  You will be signed in and can start using Creative Cloud.                                                                                                                                  
  3. If you do not have an Adobe ID click on Get an Adobe ID.
    1. See instructions from Adobe here:  https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/create-update-adobe-id.html
    2. Fill in the requested information (First name, Last Name, etc.) and click on Sign up.  Your account will be created and you will be signed in and can start using Creative Cloud.

      Ensure that you use an external account and not your SPU Email.


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