Citrix Remote Access via Public Computer (Mac OS)

Citrix Remote Access via Public Computer (Mac OS)

This guide is intended for individuals wishing to connect to Citrix through a public computer running Mac OS.

How-To Guide

  1. Go to: http://citrix.spu.edu
  2. Log in with your SPU username and password

  3. The first time you log in, you will be prompted to download a client to make Remote Access work properly on your computer
  4. Check the box saying "By selecting the check box..." and click Download

  5. A Citrix online plug-in setup file will be download. Open this file.
  6. You will begin the setup for Citrix. Select the option to Install Citrix Online Plug-in.pkg
    - (Note: If you receive a message saying "(software) can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer", follow the guide listed here, then repeat step 6)

  7. Select Continue and follow the on screen instructions to finalize the setup

  8. Once setup has finished, click Continue

  9. You will then be directed to the Citrix Applications Page

  10. When you click on an application icon, you may be prompted to allow the plugin to run. Select Always run on this site

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