Citrix Remote Access via Public Computer (Windows)

Citrix Remote Access via Public Computer (Windows)

This guide is intended for individuals wishing to connect to Citrix through a public computer running Windows.

How-To Guide

  1. Go to: http://citrix.spu.edu
  2. If you are prompted for your credentials proceed to Step 10
    If this is your first time logging into Citrix you will be prompted to install the Citrix Receiver. Tick the box and click Install

  3. The Citrix receiver setup file will download. Open this file

  4. If you are prompted to "Run" or "Save" the file, choose Run

  5. You may be prompted to accept changes to your computer, select Yes

  6. Setup will now begin, select Install and follow the on screen instructions to proceed
    (Note: You may be prompted to restart your computer once setup has completed, so be sure to save any important documents before proceeding)

  7. If you are prompted to "Add Account" or "Finish", select Finish

  8. Click Continue to confirm installation has completed

  9. If your browser prompts you for permission, select Always run on this site

  10. You will be prompted to enter your credentials. In the "User name" field, type in accounts\ followed by your SPU username. In the password field, type in your SPU password. Click Log On

  11. You will now be directed to your Citrix home page. To add applications to the home screen, click the "plus" icon on the left
  12. Clicking on an application will pin it to your Citrix home screen

  13. Once applications have been added to the Citrix home screen, applications can be opened by clicking on the respective icon

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