Student View

Student View


Canvas has a student view setting that allows teachers to see what their students can and cannot see in their course. Student view essentially allows teachers to view the course as a "test student" who has the same permissions as the students enrolled in the course and who has no previous course activity. Submissions, discussion posts, and other course activity can be done as the test student and then reset so they do not make permanent changes to the course. Please note that the student view option only operates within Canvas, so it will not connect to external tools, such as Turnitin, Panopto, and other tools.

Accessing the student view setting

More information on the student view can be found here. 

  1. Go to the settings for your course.

  2. Select the Student View option that displays either on the right-hand side or bottom of your page, depending on the size of your browser window.

    Student view option on the side bar of course settings
  3. Your window should have a pinkish-purple frame around it to indicate that you are in student view.

    the screen will be framed to indicate you are in Student View mode. Your permission will also be reduced to those of a student, so you will not be able to access the gradebook, edit the course, etc.
  4. To reset the student, select the Reset Student button in the lower right-hand corner of the frame around your window.

    leave student view or reset student button in the student view frame
  5. To leave student view, select the Leave Student View button in the lower right-hand corner of the frame around your window.

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