New Rich Content Editor Overview

New Rich Content Editor Overview


The updated Rich Content Editor (RCE) in Canvas a condensed, more intuitive toolbar that groups common icons and interactions together. 

ETM is actively working to update all documentation references to the new RCE, but this may take time.  If you see something that is out of date, please reach out to etmhelp@spu.edu so we can make sure the instructions are updated.

RCE Features

Rich Content Editor in Canvas

The RCE features a new menu bar and toolbar with all of the familiar tools you're used to using.  Some areas we want you to note are the new location for External Apps, under the Tools menu or plug icon in the toolbar as well as the tools in the lower right-hand corner of the editing window: keyboard shortcuts, the accessibility checking tool, a new word count feature, new HTML icon, and the ability to edit in full-screen mode.

The RCE is used in the following Canvas locations by both instructors and students:

  • Announcements

  • Assignments

  • Discussions

  • Pages

  • Quizzes

  • Syllabus

Video Overview of the New RCE

Below is a 5:01 video made by Instructure Canvas about the New Rich Content Editor. 

Click here to watch the video.

Additional Resources

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