New Rich Content Editor Menu Bar


The Menu bar can be used to access several tools and features available in Rich Content Editor.

Shortcut Key to access menu bar-  using the mouse or pressing Alt+F9 keys or Option+Fn+F9 keys simultaneously on your keyboard.

View Menu bar

The menu bar will display above the Rich Content Editor and includes the same tools as found in the toolbar.

Edit Menu

To view the Edit menu, click on the Edit option. The edit menu has the following option as shown below: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste as text, Select All.

View View Menu

To see the options for view menu, click on View and the options are: 

  • Full Screen 


Full screen is not supported for the HTML editor

  • Raw HTML Editor

View Tools Menu

The Tools Menu bar have the following options:

  • WordCount- To view the word count statistics.

  • Apps- To embed content from the external tool.

View Table Menu

The Table menu provide the following options:

  • Table - To add a new table.

  • Cell - Cell provides with the following options: cell properties, merge cells, split cell.

  • Row - The row option formats the table rows: insert, delete, cut, copy, paste rows.

  • Column - To format table columns click column.

  • To view the table properties , click Table properties.

  • To delete the table, click Delete table.

View Insert Menu

Click the insert link to find the following options:

  • Link - To add an external URL or course content

  • Image - To upload a new image or insert a new image from the course.

  • Media - To record, upload or insert media from course files

  • Document  - To upload or insert a new document from course or user files.

  • Equation - To insert a math equation

  • Table - To insert a table

  • Embed - To embed content using a embed code

  • Horizontal line - To insert a horizontal line

View Format Menu

The format menu provide the following options:

  • Several formatting options like bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, and code.

  • The Formats menu includes options for headings, inline text, blocks, and alignment.

  • Blocks - To view and manage blocks.

  • Fonts - To select a font.

  • Font Size - To change the size of the Font.

  • Align - To manage Text alignment.

  • Directionality - To change the direction of the text (Format text from left to right or right to left).

  • Change the text & background color.

  • Clear Formatting option.

Additional Resources