Upper Gwinn AV - Quick Start

Upper Gwinn AV - Quick Start


This page will cover starting the Upper Gwinn AV System, using the built-in Podium PC to project a video and/or a powerpoint presentation, and using a wireless microphone. There are separate steps for starting the system in Combined Mode vs. Split Mode. For more information on each mode, check the Upper Gwinn AV overview page.


Quick Start Steps: Combined Mode

To quickly start the AV system and begin an event:

  1. If the touch panel is asleep, wave a hand in front of the panel or tap anywhere on the screen to wake it up.
  2. Tap Start: Combined Mode and the system will start up. The following will occur:
    1. Both projectors will turn on and projector screens will drop-down.
    2. All audio (microphones and input audio) will un-mute.
    3. PC input will be selected.
    4. If the room lights are off, they will turn on.
  3. The touch panel will show the Inputs Page. The system is on and ready for an event!


Quick Start Steps: Split Mode

These instructions apply for either the Queen Anne or Cascade room:

  1. If the touch panel is asleep, wave a hand in front of the panel or tap anywhere on the screen to wake it up.
  2. Tap Start: Split Mode and the system will start up. The following will occur:
    1. The projector in the room will turn on and the corresponding projector screen will drop down.
    2. All audio will un-mute. Microphones are split based on the room being used.
    3. PC input will be selected.
    4. If the room lights are off, they will turn on.
  3. The touch panel will show the Inputs Page. The system is on and ready for an event!

To turn the other room on, follow these steps in the other room.




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