Preparing for Windows 11 - Laptop

Preparing for Windows 11 - Laptop

Prior to swapping your current device for a Windows 11 device, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition. The checklist below are tasks that will help ensure that your new device is capable of taking on your day-to-day functions. Take a moment to review each task below and do what is most applicable for your needs.


List of software you will need
Take note of network folders that are regularly accessed
Export bookmarks from browser

Google Chrome: Import Chrome bookmarks & settings - Google Chrome Help (Refer to Move or export bookmarks section)


How to export bookmarks Microsoft Edge

Schedule a Walk-in Session

After reviewing the checklist, please schedule a walk-in session through our Bookings page to exchange your device.

We aim to honor your time and expedite this exchange process. Reviewing the checklist before scheduling will help facilitate a swift device exchange.

Schedule Session