Fall 2021-2022 PD

Fall 2021-2022 PD

Table of Content


We're happy to share recordings from our fall professional development.  These sessions are held throughout the month of August and the recordings and corresponding resources can be found below. 

Sessions were divided into two main tracks, with two additional sessions that are good for everyone to attend.  

Developing Digital Courses

These sessions will focus on the pedagogical and design choices you might make in your course if you plan on using digital tools.

Backwards Design, Assessments, Community, Course Climate

Introduction to SPU Technology for Teaching and Learning

These sessions are focused on introductory content and are good for those who are new to using these tools or would like to refresh/reinforce what they know.

Canvas 101, Panopto 101, PollEverywhere 101, Zoom 101

Good for Everyone

Inclusivity & Accessibility and Protecting Student Data.

Click on a link below to view a recording of our presentations and view related resources.

Additional Resources