ETM Updates

ETM Updates

Welcome to the ETM Blog!

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    Recording a PowerPoint Presentation


    Panopto allows you to record yourself and your PowerPoint slides side-by -side with your built-in webcam and microphone.

    You can also livestream your presentation.

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    ETM Update - Preparing for Spring (Email March 27th)

    Dear Colleagues,

    As this week ends I want to share a few updates from ETM.  Allow me to frame this email by saying that in both this message and in the in-service there are lots of options and sources of help. Please don’t try to do everything and please pace yourselves as much as you can.


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    Suggested Syllabus Language (Email March 31st)

    Dear Colleagues,

    [sent to the Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, and Facnet lists]

    Following up on questions from some of you this email offers advice on three different elements that can be included in your syllabus. They are intended to complement the Sample Syllabus provided by the Faculty Life Office.

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