McGraw Hill: Connect LTI 1.3 Integration in Canvas
Enable McGraw Hill LTI 1.3 tool in Canvas
- Navigate to the course you want to use McGraw Hill.
- Go to Modules.
- Navigate to the module you will integrate McGraw Connect assignment links. (You can choose any module for this step, and feel free to rearrange and move the assignment links to other modules as needed later.)
- Choose McGraw Hill Connect LTIA from the three dots of the module.
Unlike other Canvas integration tools that seamlessly integrate into the Canvas navigation bar, McGraw Hill LTI 1.3 requires activation through the Modules feature. You can activate the McGraw Hill tool by choosing any module within your Canvas course. You have the option to reorganize assignment links as necessary within the Modules section later to meet your needs.
Pair with a McGraw Hill Section
- Click Pair with a Connect Section.
- Select Pair with new Connect course.
- Search a course.
- Select the course you want to use.
- Enter a course name and a section name. Use something specific for the section name like your term and class section. This helps you quickly identify the course later. And then click Create Course.
- You will get a screen that your course has been paired.
Create assignment links in Canvas
You can create McGraw Hill Connect assignment links in your Canvas course, for student access or grade sync by following steps below.
- Go to Modules.
- Click the three dots and select McGraw Hill Connect LTIA.
- Click Go to my Connect Section.
- Click Assignments tab [1] and click Add assignment [2].
- Create assignments.
If your course includes ebook, you can create reading assignments by choosing chapters.
- Setup details for the assignment including the name, dates, and category, etc.
- Click review & assign button, and click Assign. You will see them from the Connect section Assignments page.
- After you finished creating assignments, they are ready to be deployed. Select the assignment(s) [1] you want to deploy to Canvas and click three dots [2] next to the button of Add assignment, and choose Deploy to Canvas [3].
- You can set the grade type in bulk or individually. Click Deploy after done.
- Don't close the page. It will redirect you to Canvas site after the deployment is complete.
- The Connect assignments will be visible in the module you started from and the Assignments area in Canvas. Click on the dots to the left of the assignment to rearrange the order as needed and then Publish the assignment. A gradebook column is automatically created for each assignment in the course.
Canvas icon will be visible next to the deployed assignment(s) in Connect section page.
Manually sync assignments with Canvas course
If you make changes to an assignment from Connect after deployment, Canvas should automatically update those assignments. However, if you notice that a change you made in Connect has not updated in Canvas, or if you notice scores for student work in Connect have not appeared in Canvas, you will need to sync Canvas to Connect to update those changes in Canvas manually.
- Navigate to Modules in Canvas and select one module and click the McGraw Hill Connect LTIA tool from the three dots button.
- Click on "Relink Assignments" if assignment information you made in Connect has not updated in Canvas or click on "Grade sync" if scores of student work in Connect have not appeared in Canvas.
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