Canvas New Quiz Accommodations
If you are creating the accommodation for a single student, simply select the check box that is to the left of that student’s name. if you are selecting multiple students, follow the same steps. If you are applying this accommodation for all students, simply select the checkbox that is to the left of the Student title (located atop the list of student names)
Enabling Accommodations in New Quizzes
- Enter Build on Quizzes
- Select Moderate from the top menu bar
- Find the student you would like to add accommodations for, then select Edit. The Edit button appears as a blue pencil under Accommodations.
A new menu will then appear. Selecting the ^ button will enable a drop-down menu to appear. The drop-down menu gives a list of possible adjustments to make: Give additional time, Remove time limit (unlimited), and Time limit multiplier.
As shown in the above image, changes to the accommodation menu will be applied to all course assessments for the selected student(s).
To Give Additional Time for a Quiz
Select Give Additional Time from the drop-down menu. Then use the Hours and Minutes to select the amount of additional time you are giving to the student(s). You can do this by using the toggle arrows assigned to each time box, or by typing the number directly into the box.
After selecting save, the accommodation will now appear next to the student’s name under Accommodations.
To Remove the Quiz Time Limit
Select Remove Time Limit (unlimited) from the drop-down menu.
- After selecting save, the accommodation will now appear next to the student’s name under Accommodations.
To Edit the Time Limit Multiplier
Select Time limit multiplier from the drop-down menu. With the toggle arrows, you can edit the multiplier or type directly into the time box.
- After selecting save, the accommodation will now appear next to the student’s name under Accommodations.
These settings apply to all quizzes. To moderate the time on a single quiz, select the Moderate button, located to the far right of the student name box.
Moderate Menu
- Selecting Moderate will prompt a new menu to pop up. This menu will show if any attempts to complete the quiz have been complete yet, the Assessment Settings and Additional Attempts.
- If an accommodation has been made for the student it will also appear in this menu beneath Time adjustments
- Under Additional Attempts, the instructor can specify the number of additional attempts an individual student may receive.