New Organization System Overview

New Organization System Overview


Build a custom content structure that fits your unique workflow with the new and updated navigation. When you log in to your Poll Everywhere account, you’ll find helpful navigation on the left-hand side of your screen. Choose between ActivitiesParticipantsReports, and Teams at the top and SupportPresenter tipsProfile, and Account admin at the bottom. The icons that appear in your account will depend on your specific role and plan type.

Navigation Collapsable Secondary Menu

With the expandable sidebar navigation, you can focus on your content while seeing the section of your account that you are currently working in.

  • Activities: Expand this section to choose between your own activities, those that were shared with you or created by teammates, and those in your Trash.

  •  Profile: Navigate your account settings, defaults, and preferences. You can also log out of your account here.

  •  Account admin: For administrators and account owners, manage your presenters, account-wide settings, and plan details.

Video Overview of the New Organization System

Below is a 30s video that introduces a new activity organization system.

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