Additional Information- Roster Import

Additional Information- Roster Import

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Once the Roster import is complete, the students name will show up in groups in the My Participants tab of Poll Everywhere.

Points to remember:

  • If a student drops, Poll Everywhere will not delete the student from Poll Everywhere. You will need to manually take them out of the group in Poll Everywhere by unselecting the color circle that matches up with the course name.

  • If a student is added to your roster, you can re-import the roster and we will add the student to the selected course. We will not send a notification to any student already registered to your class

Once you import your roster and if this is the first time a student has ever been imported into Poll Everywhere, they will receive the following registration email:

The students will need to follow the link to create a password for their account. . This will show up for students as resetting their password since when you’ve uploaded them to Poll Everywhere, you are technically creating them a pollev.com account. The student must use the same email that is in your LMS’s roster to create their participant account at https://www.pollev.com.

This is important if you plan on using the Gradebook export. Poll Everywhere will match up the emails from the roster to the email they are logged into at pollev.com while responding to your polls. If they are not logged in while responding or if they’re logged into a different account that has not been imported, then we will not be able to match up the students with their responses

Additional Resources