Adding and Grading with a Rubric

Adding and Grading with a Rubric


Adding a rubric is not only helpful to visualize the grading standards, both for instructors and students, but it is also useful to use for grading within Canvas. In Canvas, this option is used to grade assignments using Speedgrader when a rubric is applied to an assignment. This page will explain how to add and access the rubric when grading an assignment. 

Rubrics Overview Tutorial Video

Adding a Rubric to Assignments

To add a rubric: 

  1. Go to the assignment you want to add a rubric to.

  2. Click on the "+Rubric" button located at the bottom of the assignment page. 

  3. Click on the link "Find a Rubric", located on the corner of the rubric option screen to use an existing rubric format. If you want to make a new rubric, start adding criterion into the rubric box to create a new rubric. Adjust points, criteria details, and check mark the appropriate options. 

  4. Click on the "Update Rubric" or "Create Rubric" button located towards the bottom of the screen. 

Adding a Rubric to a Discussion

To add a rubric: 

  1. Go to the discussion you want to add a rubric to.

  2. Click on the settings icon for that discussion (reference image below).

  3. Click on the "+Add Rubric" option from the options (reference image below).

    add rubric button in discussions
  4. Click on the link "Find a Rubric", located on the corner of the rubric option screen to use an existing rubric format. If you want to make a new rubric, start adding criterion into the rubric box to create a new rubric. Adjust points, criteria details, and check mark the appropriate options. 

  5. Click on the "Update Rubric" or "Create Rubric" button located towards the bottom of the screen. 

Adding a Rubric to Quizzes

To add a rubric: 

  1. Go to the quiz in which the rubric is desired. 

  2. Click on the settings icon for that quiz (reference image below).

  3. Click on the "Show Rubric" option from the options (reference image below).