2017 Classroom Technology Update

2017 Classroom Technology Update

In just a couple of weeks students will fill the campus and classes will be in session. We need your help NOW to make sure all of our classroom technology resources are ready for the start of school.

Check Your Classroom Technology!

In preparation for the start of the quarter CIS technicians have visited every instructional space and tested, tuned, and fixed or replaced any broken equipment.

We strongly encourage all faculty to test the technology resources in the classrooms they will use this quarter. Stop by your classroom; login to the podium computer; check for access to your MyDoc's folder or OneDrive for Business; do a quick run through of your presentation; play your DVD; test your specialized software; plug in your laptop if you plan to use it for class. If you spot any problems, please contact the CIS Help Desk at 206-281-2982, or help@spu.edu.

Need a Classroom Podium Refresher?

CIS is happy to schedule one-on-one orientation/training for use of classroom podium systems/projectors, document cameras, active learning rooms, etc. Don't hesitate to call us for an appointment at 206-281-2982.

Classroom Support in An Emergency?

Even with good preparation, it is always possible that some technology will not function as expected in the classroom. Our priority is to assist you as problems occur.

During CIS Office Hours -- we have a 10 minute emergency response standard for classroom emergencies. If you run into problems in your classroom CALL THE CIS HELPDESK at 206-281-2982. We will do everything we can to provide assistance on the phone or immediately dispatch a technician to your room.

Of course we'd like to hear of problems before you confront them in a crisis. If you experience trouble during a class period but can't wait for support, be sure and let us know about it later.

Finally, please DON'T unplug or move the podium cables yourself, DON'T power off the equipment when you leave your classroom, and DO return the podium equipment to how you found it.

Academic Software in Classrooms and Academic Labs

All classroom and lab computers have a broad range of software installed and configured -- but it's possible that we missed something, there is a recent version update, or you have a new or emerging need. Please let us know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE about software needs. There is a testing and review process that is often required for new items, so please give us as much time as possible.

How to request new software for academic computers, or request an update to existing software.

Do You Use VHS Tapes for Instruction in Classrooms?

This is an advance notice of classroom AV media changes that will be taking place in the summer of 2018:

  1. Most academic classrooms currently have a VHS/DVD combo deck built into the classroom podium. VHS tape use is currently about 1% of classroom media use but creates several challenges for audio support levels (volume and quality), the VHS/DVD players can't be repaired and are difficult to procure, and VHS tapes being used continue to degrade even with minimal usage.
  2. During the 2017-18 school year we will be asking all faculty that still use VHS tapes for classroom instructional purposes to be prepared to convert the VHS tape media to a digital format for future classroom use. Further instructions and a mechanism to assit you in converting your VHS media will be announced later in fall quarter.
  3. Starting in the summer of 2018, the VHS/DVD players will begin to be removed from the classroom podiums. This will dramatically improve the overall audio volume and quality for all other media use. More details of this transition will be announced during the school year.

CIS HelpDesk Support and Hours

Beginning Monday, September 25th, and for the rest of the academic year, the CIS HelpDesk will be open extended support hours (evenings and Saturdays).

Office Hours 
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Extended Hours
(phone, email and classroom support, office visits by appointment)
Monday - Thursday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

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