2024 Fall Staff Technology Update

2024 Fall Staff Technology Update

Summer has come to a close and the SPU students and faculty are returning to campus.  It's been a busy summer in CIS. Whether you are working in-person, hybrid, or remote, there are steps you can take to make sure campus technology is a valuable resource and not a stumbling block. Click on the links below for details and to see campus technology updates we have to share with you.

The CIS HelpDesk

CIS Helpdesk Contact 

Submit a CIS Helpdesk Ticket
Email the CIS Helpdesk
Call the CIS Helpdesk: 206-281-2982

Office Hours

Lower Marston Hall

Summer Hours (through Sept. 27th)
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

Academic Hours (beginning Sept. 30)
Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Walk-in hours
Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM


Setting Yourself Up for Success

Technology Services Catalog

Could your work benefit from new tools or technologies? The University may already provide the tools you need. Browse through the Technology Services Catalog to see all the software and systems available to you.  Also check out the CIS Services page to look at business services that CIS offers including consultations on your area's operations.  

Updating your Computer

If your computer has not been on the campus network for a while or isn't connected to the Always on VPN ("SPU-AOVPN") in some time it will likely need to run several hours of updates and security patches when you connect to the campus network.  Avoid this disruption by connecting to a campus VPN prior to returning or plan your schedule around updates running when you return. If your computer is not able to connect to the SPU-AOVPN, please schedule an appointment with the CIS HelpDesk to make sure your computer can connect to campus and is receiving all its security patches.

Is Your Computer Connected to SPU?

CIS works behind the scenes to make sure your SPU-issued Windows computer is updated with the latest security patches, performing optimally, and has access to the SPU Software Center. Device management is crucial in protecting and securing sensitive information, and you can do your part by making sure your SPU computer connects to our management domain.

To ensure your device is secure and connecting properly, please follow the instructions on the Software Center page to load and install an application (e.g.: update Zoom to the latest version). If you are unable to load the Software Center or the installation does not succeed, please contact CIS so we can make sure this service, as well as other update services are running correctly on your computer.

For Windows 11 devices, the same can be said for Company Portal since Windows 11 does not carry Software Center. For more information on Company Portal and its use, please refer to this SPU wiki page.

Windows 11 upgrades on staff devices

As the end of support for Windows 10 approaches, we will be upgrading to Windows 11 for all compatible devices. Windows 11 brings a modern, streamlined user interface, along with ongoing updates and enhanced security. While the changes might not be drastic, they focus on incremental performance improvements and refined features.

The CIS team will coordinate with departments to facilitate this upgrade. Although there is still some time before Windows 10 support ends, we aim to complete the upgrade on all devices before the end of the Fall 2025.

For more information on Windows 11 and how to familiarize yourself with the new OS, please visit our Windows 11 training resources on the SPU Wiki.

Protecting Student Privacy

We all value our privacy and are frustrated when others are careless with the sensitive information, we entrust them with.  You are entrusted with sensitive information about students and others the Seattle Pacific University community and you share in the responsibility to protect our students by complying with regulations and university policies.  If you ever have questions about where it's safe to store protected information, the Regulated Data Chart provides a simple overview of which services have the security and contractual protections in place to store Regulated Data. You can also learn more about campus Data PolicyData Laws and Regulations, and Handling Confidential Data responsibly.

Using a Personal Computer for Work

Personal computers and departmentally purchased computers (unmanaged) do not have the same security and regulatory compliance protections that SPU-managed computers purchased and managed by CIS have.  Personal devices or cloud resources (Google Docs, DropBox, etc.) used for work purposes are subject to eDiscovery and can be confiscated or seized if they are suspected to contain information related to a lawsuit against the institution.  Protect our student's data, yourself, your property, and the University by following the Use of Personal / Un-Managed Devices for Work policy.

Use OneDrive for Cloud File Storage

Storage platforms like Dropbox and Google Drive are not compliant for sensitive or regulated University data, such as information protect by FERPA.  OneDrive for Business, Teams and SharePoint are the contractually protected platforms approved for storing sensitive documents in the cloud.  Contact CIS if you'd like help moving your business processes to one of these platforms.

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and Copyright Compliance

File sharing software that copies and distributes songs, movies, videos, games, and software applications without the permission of the owner is a Copyright Law violation that can subject you to criminal and civil liability. Content owners use technological means to track the file sharing of their intellectual property on the Internet. SPU is required by law to inform you if we are aware, you have violated copyright law and must provide your information to copyright owners for legal action if you do not cease illegal activity.  You are responsible for the activities of your computer when connected to the campus network. See Copyright Basics and DMCA Copyright Compliance / Peer-to-Peer File Sharing for more information about copyright compliance.

Adjusting Campus Services

As part of the SPU135 initiative, we would like to remind you that CIS will be making adjustments to campus software throughout the school year to help ensure a better future. CIS representatives will work closely with department leaders to facilitate these changes and develop strategies for a smooth transition, providing the best possible support during this process.

Thank you for your cooperation as we move forward with these adjustments.


SPU will NEVER ask you to send your login credentials or other personal/confidential information via email. Your account credentials should never be shared with anyone.


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