


Please note that for Windows devices, the SPU VPN has been replaced with SPU-AOVPN. If your University-managed Windows device does not have SPU-AOVPN, please contact the CIS Help Desk for assistance.


The SPU VPN is a secure connection method that allows SPU-managed computers to virtually connect to our on-campus network from any location with a standard internet connection. Connecting to VPN allows you to access resources like Departmental File Shares (ie. Matthew) or Administrative Banner that are normally only available on-campus.

Why Should I Use the SPU VPN?

  • Allows you to securely access your department shares and sync your My Documents from off-campus.

  • Automatically configured on SPU Faculty and Staff computers.

  • Connecting to the SPU VPN puts the connected computer on a network with similar access to on-campus fac/staff computers.

Please disconnect from the SPU VPN when you are not actively using on-campus resources, so that capacity is available for those who need access.

Connecting to the SPU VPN (Windows)

StepsRelevant Data and Screenshots
  1. Click on the network icon to open to view the available connections

   2. Click on SPU VPN

(If SPU VPN is not available on your SPU managed device, contact the CIS Help Desk for assistance in getting it re-added.)

   3. You will be navigated to another page that lists available VPN options. Select SPU VPN then click connect.

   4.   You will be prompted to log in with your full SPU email address and password. Press Connect to finish connecting to the SPU VPN. 

   5. Remember to disconnect when you're finished with your work.

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