How to use the Gradebook?
The Gradebook helps instructors easily view and enter grades for students. Depending on the Grade display type, grades for each assignment can be viewed as points, percentage, complete or incomplete, GPA scale, or letter grade.
Only graded assignments, graded discussions, graded quizzes, and graded surveys that have been published display in the Gradebook. Not Graded assignments are not included.
The default view in the Gradebook is to view all students at a time, but you can also view students individually in the Gradebook Individual View. However, Individual View currently does not support all settings and options from the Gradebook.
Note: If your course includes multiple graders, please note that once you open the Gradebook, all existing Gradebook data is stored in the browser until the page is refreshed. Grades are not dynamically updated with any changes made by other graders in the Gradebook or in SpeedGrader.
In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
The top of the Gradebook includes global sorting options and settings you can use to organize your gradebook [1], which will populate the selected student data [2] and assignment data [3]. The Gradebook supports keyboard shortcuts. To view the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, click on the Keyboard icon [4] or press the Shift+Question Mark keys simultaneously. (image below)
The main Gradebook allows you to see all students, assignments, and grades. In the Gradebook menu, you also switch between several options as available: Learning Mastery [1] displays the Learning Mastery Gradebook, which assesses outcome standards being used in Canvas courses. This gradebook is a course-level feature preview. Individual View [2] allows you to assess one student and one assignment at a time and is fully accessible for screen readers. Individual View currently does not support settings and options from the Gradebook. Gradebook History [3] displays the Gradebook History page, which logs recent grade changes in the course according to student, grader, assignment, and date. (image below)
You can switch between gradebooks at any time.