OneDrive File Saving Quick Manual
OneDrive File Saving Quick Manual
This Wiki page offers recommendations for Students and use on their personal computers. It is not recommended for SPU faculty, nor for use on SPU owned computers/laptops.
OneDrive Quick Manual
- Log into your SPU email account via the ‘MySPU’ button on the top right corner of the SPU Homepage.
- Select Webmail, your SPU email address.
- Once in, select the “waffle” icon in the top left corner of the webpage (9 dots arranged in a square) and a menu will open of different Microsoft applications.
- Select OneDrive from the menu.
- If this is a your first-time logging into OneDrive, a message may pop up stating that it’s doing its first time set up. Simply wait until a link appears that will allow the you to access OneDrive. Select the link to view the OneDrive home screen.
- Your OneDrive home screen will show a blank file list with a menu on the left-hand side of the screen. The menu includes your files, your recent files, files that had been shared with you, and your recycle bin.
- Recycle bin allows you to restore files that may have been accidentally deleted.
- You will also see Quick Access, which may be for Microsoft team groups.
- The main body of the window is where you will see your list of files and folders.
- Atop main body window, there is a search bar.
- The search function will allow you to full text search your files once you have started storing files on your OneDrive.
- Below your search bar will be a ‘New’ button. Selecting this button will allow you to create new folders, new word documents, excel workbooks, PowerPoint presentations, to access your OneNote notebook, and to upload files from your personal computer.
- You can change the way your OneDrive looks by changing your sorting/viewing options to reflect your preferences.
Organization Styles and Systems
- To start, create a folder for every one of your enrolled courses. For simplicity, use the same course name for the file name.
- Give your files enough of a description so that you are better able to recognize them, but not too long of a description that you can’t recognize them easily.
- Within the folders is where you can store your documents.
- Select a folder, then select ‘New’ button. A new document will pop up, and it will be named ‘Document’.
- Change document name to reflect the information written on the document.
- The document will be automatically added to the file in which you made the document.
- The document will look and function similarly to the Microsoft word application with the toolbar along the top of the document. When using the online format, your Documents will typically be automatically saved to your OneDrive account.
- There are different ways to sort, such as through Name, Date Modified etc. Choose a simple format that works best for you.
- Give your files enough of a description so that you are better able to recognize them, but not too long of a description that you can’t recognize them easily.
When Submitting into Canvas
- Download a copy of the original document from your OneDrive account and re-upload the document into Canvas.
- Alternately, through the Canvas site, you can use the Office option to submit an assignment.
- In the Canvas site, go to Assignments, locate the assignment and click into it. Under submission type, you can select website URL.
- In the Document, at the top right side, there will be a Share button. Select that button, then look for the Copy link option.
- Window may pop up stating that you have not given access to other people to view your document. Type in your instructor’s email to share the document with them.
- Can also select the anyone from within SPU with the link button, or anyone with the link can view the link contents button.
- In the Document, at the top right side, there will be a Share button. Select that button, then look for the Copy link option.
- Another share link option: on your OneDrive home screen, where your files are listed. Select the share option that is next to the document name for the document that you wish to share.
- In the Canvas site, go to Assignments, locate the assignment and click into it. Under submission type, you can select website URL.
- Another option for submitting into canvas is through Office 365: if on Canvas the Office 365 option appears in your list of submission types for the assignment, select Office 365 to link your Canvas with your OneDrive.
- After selecting Office 365, you will see your OneDrive and can locate the document you want to submit by selecting the attach file button in the lower right corner, and then finish the process to submit the assignment.
- Students an also cancel the attempt if a mistake occurred, or they can redo the attempt.