Using Multiple Displays on Classroom Podiums - Windows 11

Using Multiple Displays on Classroom Podiums - Windows 11

Step 1: Access Display Settings:

  1. Click on the Start button in the center of the taskbar.

  2. Select the Gear icon to open Settings.

  3. Click on System within the sidebar.

  4. Choose Display from the options.

dispay button.png

Step 2: Identify Additional Displays:

  1. Scroll down to the Multiple displays section.

  2. Click on the Identify button to allow Windows 11 to identify the connected displays.

Step 3: Choose Display Mode:

  1. Under the Multiple displays dropdown menu, you'll find different display mode options:

    • Duplicate: Show the same screen on both displays.

    • Extend: Extend your desktop across both displays, effectively creating one large workspace.

Step 4: Apply Changes:

  1. Click the Apply button once you have configured the display settings according to your preferences.

  2. Windows will prompt you to confirm the changes. Click Keep changes if you are satisfied.


Now you have successfully set up and configured multiple displays on Windows 11. This allows you to enhance your productivity by expanding your desktop space and managing tasks across multiple screens.




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