Sitecore Event Snapshots

Sitecore Event Snapshots

Reference for content editors

This is a two-part component, located in /sitecore/templates/SPU/ugadm/Event Snapshot Container and /sitecore/templates/SPU/ugadm Event Snapshot. The Event Snapshot Container holds all of the Event Snapshots and defines which event categories are displayed on the front-end:

Adding a Event Snapshot Container to a marketing page

Part 1: Content Editor

1). First, in the Content Editor, add the Event Snapshot container item by right clicking on the page's content folder, selecting "Insert," and then choosing the Event Snapshot Container component. Rename this as "events."

2). The Event Snapshot Container has two fields you need to fill in. First, add a title, that will show up directly above the dropdown filter: 

Next, click each category you want to appear in your filter, and click the blue “right-arrow” button to move it over into the right column: 

Click “Save.”

3). Next, in the Content Editor, add each Event Snapshot you would like to appear in your Event Snapshot Container. Right click on the Event Snapshot Container you created in the previous step, and select "Insert" > "Event Snapshot." There are a number of fields here for you to fill in, to make the video display correctly on the front end, as well as show up in the correct category:

  • Title & Title Link 
    • A single line of text and a link to the event page. 
  • Subtitle 
    • Optional gold text that can display below the title. 
  • Image 
    • Thumbnail image to display on the front end. 
  • Body Content
    • The description of the event. 
  • Categories
    • Select all appropriate categories for the event and move them over to the right colum with the blue “right-arrow” button. 
  • Button 1 and Button 2
    • These are two optional links if you would like to add an eye-catching “call to action” button at the end of your event snapshot. When you click “Insert Link” (spu.edu link you can pick out of the Sitecore tree) or “Insert External Link” (any other link), make sure the “Link Description” has the text you would like to show up on your button. 
Part 2: The Page Editor

1). Enter the Page Editor by selecting the page in the Content Editor, clicking the "Publish" tab at the top of the page, and then selecting "Page Editor." 

2). Once you are in the Page Editor, click the blue puzzle piece icon labeled "Component." Then, at the spot where you would like your Event Snapshot Container to appear, click the "Add to here" icon. This will bring up a pop-up with a number of options. Scroll towards the bottom and choose "Event Snapshot Container." 

3). Select the “Event Snapshot Container” you created in the Content Editor.

4). You will now see your Event Snapshot Container on the page, with a grey box where you can add your first event. Click the box and select “Add to here.” This will bring up a box that reads “Select a Rendering;” select “Event Snapshot.” 

5). Select one of the events you created in the Content Editor, and click “OK” to add it to the page. 

6). Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each event you would like to appear on the page. When you are done adding events, click the “Save” icon in the top left of the page. 

7). When you are ready to publish out the new version of the page with your Event Snapshot Container added, publish out your “Event Snapshot Container” and “Event Snapshots” in the Content Editor, and then publish the page. 

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