Center for Faithful Business Website Maintenance Guide

Center for Faithful Business Website Maintenance Guide


1). Page editing basics

2). Updating the navigation menus

3). Resizing images using the Wordpress tools


1). Page editing basics

  • Throughout this document, I will refer to the “dashboard” a number of times. This is the area you land on when you first log in at cfb.spu.edu/wp-admin. Most of the tools described below will be accessible via the links on the left-hand navigation bar in the dashboard. 

  • In the left-hand navigation bar, you’ll want to pay attention to two main items: 

    1. Pages - this is where you can edit the homepage. There are a few other pages left in there, but the homepage is the main one you will need to edit from time to time.

    2. Projects - this is where you will edit most other pages on the site. This Wordpress template was originally sold as a “portfolio” theme, so the page template with the full-width hero image (used on almost every page on this site) is called the “project” template.

    3. Media - this is where you’ll add new images. 

    4. Appearance > Menus - this is where you can edit the navigation menus in the header and footer of the site.

  • In order to edit a page: 

    1. Click “Projects” in the left-hand navigation bar of the dashboard. 

    2. Hover over the “project” (page) you wish to edit, and click “Edit.”

    3. This will bring you into the editor. In order to add content, you can either start typing to add regular text, or add a design element using either the blue “plus” icon at the top of the screen or black “plus” button in the body of the page.

    4. When you are done editing and would like to preview your changes, click the “computer” icon in the top right of the screen. When you are ready to publish, click the blue “Update” button.

2). Updating the navigation menus

  • From the dashboard, click “Appearance” in the left-hand navigation and then click “Menus.”

  • In the “Edit Menus” tab (open by default), you will see “Select a menu to edit.” Here, you only have to worry about one menu, labeled “Main Navigation (Main Menu, Mobile Menu, Footer Menu).” Make sure that is selected here.

  • To add an item to the navigation, open up “Projects” or “Custom Links” in the left navigation:

    • Projects - Use this option to add new CFB pages to the navigation

      • Select the page you wish to add, and then click the “Add to Menu” button

      • Scroll down to see your new item at the bottom of the list of pages under “Menu structure,” and drag it into place.

    • Custom Links - Use this option to add external links, like the Faith & Co. site.

      • Paste in the link to the external page you would to include in the “URL” field, and add the label you would like in the “Link Text” field. Then, click the “Add to Menu” button.

      • Scroll down to see your new item at the bottom of the list of pages under “Menu structure,” and drag it into place.

  • To remove an item, click the dropdown arrow on the right edge of the item in the “Menu structure” section and click “remove.”

  • Once you are done making changes to the menu, you can click the blue “Save Menu” button.

3). Resizing images using the Wordpress tools

  • If you need to resize an image after uploading it to Wordpress, there are tools available to do so. 

  • First, find the image in the media library, and click “Edit image” under the image preview. 

  • Before doing any cropping, you must re-size the image first. Enter your required width into the first box under “New dimensions.”

    1. For example, if you are creating a 356px - 200px image for the body of one of your new pages, enter 356, and make sure the height is going to be greater than or equal to 200. If this is not the case, clear the width value and enter the height first. You want one of your dimensions to match, without the other dimension being too small. Once you have your new dimensions entered, click the blue “Scale” button. 

      Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 1.02.48 PM.png
  • Once you’ve resized your image, click the blue “Save” button. 

  • Click “Back.” 

  • Now, click “Edit image” again. I realize this is repetitive, but it’s the only way to make Wordpress’s editor work. 

  • Now, click the “Crop” button. 

  • Enter your desired dimensions into the “Selection” boxes:

    Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 1.02.59 PM.png
  • Drag the selection box into the crop position you want, and then click “Crop” again. This will crop the image. Click the blue “Save” button.


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