Software on SPU Library Computers
Software on SPU Library Computers
This is a list of software currently installed on a computer that is built with the SPU Academic Image and is located in the Library.
Currently Installed Software
The following additional (not apart of SPU-Build) programs should be installed on all deployed library computers:
- AutoCad
- Balsamiq Desktop
- CLion
- Creative Cloud 2021
- Cura
- DataGrip
- Docker
- Food Processor
- G*Power
- Genesis
- Git
- Github Desktop
- GMetrix
- Kinovea
- Maple
- MatLab
- MongoDB Shell
- MongoDB Community Server
- MySQL Workbench 8.0
- Node.js + NPM
- Notepad++
- PCB Artist
- PuTTy
- Python
- Python Libraries
- QtSpim
- R and R studio
- Solidworks
- SourceTree
- SPSS Amos
- SPSS Stats
- SQLite Studio
- Thonny Python
- Virtual Box
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- Wireshark
- WSL + Ubuntu