Storage Limits & Quotas

Storage Limits & Quotas

View Available Exchange Storage Space

From Outlook 2013:

  1. Click the File menu in the main Outlook window.
  2. On the right side of the file menu, under Account Information, select your SPU email address in the drop-down list.
  3. Mailbox Cleanup section should display a meter indicating the remaining storage available for your SPU email address. If you do not see Mailbox Cleanup, double-check that your SPU email address is selected.

From Webmail:

  1. Sign into Webmail.
  2. From the settings menu (gear-shaped icon in the top right), click on Options.
  3. Storage space is displayed under the Mailbox Usage section. A meter indicates the amount of remaining storage.

About Office 365 Storage Limits

All SPU email accounts provide at least 50 GB of storage.  Most employees receive 100 GB of storage as part of the Microsoft A5 license.

Current Faculty and Staff email MUST be maintained in SPU's email system. Faculty and Staff are asked to NOT create local archives of email messages that are stored on university assigned computers, a personally owned computer, or removable media.

Documents, pictures, and other files that are attached to email messages will count toward the total email storage limit. If you are nearing the storage limit, please see Storage and Backup of Email Items for methods of saving attachments so they do not count against your email storage space.

All items stored in an email account are included in the data storage amount, including items in the Deleted Items folder. Be sure to empty the Deleted Items folder if space is running low.

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