View Email Delivery Reports in Webmail

Follow the steps below if you believe you didn't receive an email or if someone has told you that they didn't receive an email.


  1. Log into Webmail (
  2. Click the gear in the right hand corner and select Delivery reports.
  3. Choose from one of the following boxes:
    • Search for messages I've sent to:   Leave this box empty to view reports about all messages you sent. Click Select users to select recipients from the shared address book or type each recipient's full e-mail address separated by a semicolon or a comma in the To box. When you're done adding recipients for the search, click OK. 
    • Search for messages I've received from:   You can enter only one address for each search. Click Select a user to choose the message sender's e-mail address from the shared address book or type the full e-mail address of the sender in the Select box. When you're done selecting, click OK.
    • Search for these words in the subject line:   Use this box to narrow your search results. Type all or part of the subject line of the message you want delivery information for within quotation marks.
  4. Click Search, or click Clear to start a new search.