Student Printing

Student Printing

Now ACE Students can use campus printing. View this page for instructions

Students are granted print credit at the beginning of each quarter1. Adjustments to the print credit are made after the 10th day of the quarter. The print credit is cumulative and any remaining balance will "roll over" quarter to quarter. All print credit expires on June 30th each year.

Credit totals are listed below:

  • Undergraduate students enrolled in 12 credits or more will receive a print credit of $5.00 per quarter
  • Undergraduate students enrolled in 11 credits or less will receive a print credit of $2.50 per quarter
  • Graduate students enrolled in 6 credits or more will receive a print credit of $5.00 per quarter
  • Graduate students enrolled in 5 credits or less will receive a print credit of $2.50 per quarter

Once the print credit has been used, students must load Falcon Funds through Falcon Card Services or purchase $1.00 or $5.00 credit coupons from the Library Tech Front Desk.

Printing costs are based on the size of paper used and if the job is in color. The per-page costs are:

  • Grayscale letter (8½x11) : $0.05
  • Color letter: $0.10
  • Grayscale ledger (11x17): $0.08
  • Color ledger: $0.16

Document scanning is free and does not require print credit.

Students have two options to submit jobs from personal computers:

Students can also use an SPU library or lab computer to print to Secure Print through the PaperCut Print Client

All print jobs submitted through these methods require an individual to log into an MFP with either their Falcon Card or their SPU Username and Password to release the job.

Duplex (Double-Sided) Printing

To print in duplex, students must print to Secure Print using one of the methods mentioned above. Printing in the duplex is not available through Web Print

You will also see this log in screen when you want to use the Copying and Scanning functions at the MFP:

MFP login screen

Each MFP has instructions posted by the machine providing step-by-step instructions for printing, copying, and scanning. More detailed instructions may also be accessed on the MFP Functions page.

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1 - Student print credits are funded by the Student Technology Fee. Undergraduate students do not pay this fee for summer classes and are thus not eligible for print credits summer quarter.

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