Guest Printing

Guest Printing

If you have trouble with your account or need to purchase PaperCut Guest Printing Dollars, stop by the Ames Library Front Desk for assistance.

  • Users must have PaperCut Guest Printing Dollars added to their account in order to print or copy
  • Cards may be purchased at the Ames Library Front Desk
    • Cash Only
  • You do not need PaperCut Guest Printing Dollars for scanning, but will need a PaperCut Guest Printing Credential for accessing the MFP
  • For each job submitted, you will need to log into PaperCut with your PaperCut Guest Printing Credential
  • Scan to email requires a valid email address - do not enter a fake email address

Costs for each service for guests:

  • Black and White (print and copy) - $0.10 per impression
  • Color (print and copy)- $0.20 per impression
  • Scan - no charge, unless you print

All print jobs will default to black & white, unless otherwise specified. To view instructions on how to change this setting per job printed, go to our  Advanced Settings  page.


  1. Create a guest credential by going to  print.spu.edu . Select the Register for Guest Printing Account (non-SPU) and follow the instructions on the screen.
    * If you already have a guest credential, proceed to the next step.
  2. On an SPU Kiosk computer, open the document you would like to print and click File -> Print.
  3. In the print dialogue box, make sure the SecurePrint printer is selected.

  4. Click Print.
    SecurePrint Start screen for guest printing
    Note: You may also set  advanced printing options clicking print.
  5. The PaperCut dialogue box will appear. Enter your PaperCut Guest Printing Credentials.
    Papercut login pop up screen
    If you do not have a PaperCut Guest Printing Credential, click the Register Guest Printing Account (non-SPU) and follow the instructions on the website.
  6. Click OK to continue.
    Note: Your print job will not print until you go to an MFP and release the job. The print job is tied to your account and cannot be printed by anyone else.
  7. Go to any Public MFP on campus and log in with your PaperCut Guest Printing Credentials. Upon login, you will be presented with your SecurePrint queue.
  8. Tap a job to print.
    Select file to print

  9. Tap Print.
    Submitting print job

  10. When finished, tap Log Out or tap Use Copier Functions to continue using the MFP.
    Exit or continue using MFP via selecting use Copier Function

All SPU Kiosks are set to use SecurePrint by default to log into the MFP to release a job. All jobs will default to black and white prints.

In order to use the copy, and print or scan to USB, you will need to log into the device via your PaperCut Guest Printing Credential.

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