When enabled, pronouns will appear next to your name in the following areas in Canvas
- Assignment Creation Menu
- Assignment Peer Review Page
- Comment Fields
- Course Sections List
- Discussions
- Inbox
- People Pages (Account, Course, and Group)
- Student Context Card
- SpeedGrader
- User Navigation Menu
- User Profile
- User Settings
Some tools such as New Quizzes and Analytics do not currently support displaying pronouns. The same can be said about other systems connected to Canvas, like Panopto and Zoom.
How to set your pronouns in Canvas
- Login into Canvas, and go to your Account area, and select Settings.
- Select Edit Settings from the right side menu
- Locate the Pronouns section of your profile, and select from the pulldown your personal pronouns. Click Update Settings to save the changes.
- Your pronouns have now been set, and will appear next to your name in Canvas. You can change them at any time.
Additional Resources