The main purpose of Typhon is to track student competencies and hours so that they can be verified for your certification, degree, and the program's accreditation. Onboarding requirements, scheduling, and evaluations are also tracked through Typhon.
Onboarding Requirements
Initial onboarding requirements are submitted through the SHS Pre-Practicum Preparations Canvas Site, which are logged by SHS Staff on Typhon for tracking purposes. Students are required to monitor their Typhon account and submit required documents before the due date to retain access to clinical sites. Be alert for messages and warnings which will include upcoming due dates and missing documentation.
Students are responsible to keep their schedule up to date under "My Schedule" in Typhon. Faculty Clinical Assessors will schedule site visits based on this schedule
Time & Case Logs
Students are required to submit a Time Log for every day they spend in a clinical experience and a Case Log for every patient interaction in a clinical experience. Time and cases should be logged according to the NPST Typhon: Case & Time Logs guide.
It is suggested that students download their logs on a quarterly basis, for their records.
Requirements for evaluations are dictated by course syllabi and include evaluations of: