Registration Appointments

Registration Appointments


Students receive registration appointment times based on the number of credits completed and how many credits they are currently registered for. Students are notified via email a week before registration begins to check their appointment time. Once appointment times for the upcoming quarter have been set they will not be changed.

To view your registration appointment time:

  • Log in to Banner
  • Go to Student Menu > Class Registration and Planning > Prepare to Register

This menu will list your appointment time, or “time ticket,” as well as any holds you may have.


Students appointment times are split out by days according to their class standing. Class standing qualifications are outlined below:

Freshman: 1-44 Credits

Sophomore: 45-89 Credits

Junior: 90-134 Credits

Senior: 135 Credits and above

Certain student populations receive priority registration based on their class standing. These populations include Veterans, Ascent Program Students, and BioCore Scholars.

Athletes and Students with the Class Scheduling accommodation through Disability Student Services will receive a priority registration time based on the class standing that is one level above their current standing. For example: If a student is of freshman standing, they will receive the sophomore priority registration time.



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

9:00 AM

Graduate and Doctoral, Post Baccalaureate, Senior Priority
Senior, Junior Athletes and Disability Student Services

Junior Priority,
Sophomore Athletes and Disability Student Services

Sophomore Priority,
Freshman Athletes and Disability Student Services

Freshman Priority

10:00 AM

Graduate and Doctoral

11:00 AM

High Credit Seniors

High Credit Juniors

High Credit Sophomores

High Credit Freshman

12:30 AM

Mid-High Credit Seniors

Mid-High Credit Juniors

Mid-High Credit Sophomores

Mid-High Credit Freshman

2:00 PM

Mid-Low Credit Seniors

Mid-Low Credit Juniors

Mid-Low Credit Sophomores

Mid-Low Credit Freshman

3:30 PM

Low Credit Seniors

Low Credit Juniors

Low Credit Sophomores

Low Credit Freshman

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