Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence

At some point during your time at SPU, you may decide to take a break from your studies to better focus on your health, family, job, or other commitments outside of school.

A leave of absence is for students who plan to return to SPU, but aren’t planning on taking classes elsewhere while away. A leave of absence is an academic break for a period of fewer than four quarters (including summer).

If you are an undergraduate student and anticipate being away from SPU for four or more quarters (including summer), you must work with the Undergraduate Admissions office to complete an abbreviated re-admission process. Graduate students should work with their program coordinator and Graduate Admissions to re-apply for admission.

If you will be absent for any length of time because you have been called to active military duty in any branch of the U.S. armed forces, refer to the policy for active military leave.

If you plan to take a leave of absence, you must submit a Non-Study Leave of Absence Request through your Banner account. Completion of this form will help key offices such as Student Financial Services, Student Life, and Office of the Registrar plan for your return. This form can be accessed using the instructions below.

  • Go to Banner > Student Menu > Academic Records Menu > Non-Study Leave of Absence Request.  


  • Students taking a leave of absence should not be enrolled in classes at another institution. If you’re interested in taking classes through another school while away, see Studying Away From SPU.
  • Students must notify Student Financial Services about any change in their planned period of enrollment, whether due to withdrawal from a class, a leave of absence, or withdrawal from the University.
  • Students are not eligible to reside on campus, attend classes, or participate as a student in regular campus activities during their leave.
  • Students are responsible for all prior arrangements with applicable student service offices (e.g., Student Financial Services, Office of the Registrar, University Services, Residence Life, Athletics, etc.)
  • Students must keep the University apprised of their current contact information, including mailing address and phone number, while on leave.
  • Students must meet all regular university deadlines for registration, housing reservations, financial aid applications, and similar matters. Financial aid/scholarship awards and University housing reservations do not automatically carry over.
  • Students do not need to apply for re-admission to SPU if they take a leave of fewer than four quarters. In this case, the student is responsible to complete the same degree requirements as expected upon his or her first quarter of matriculation at the University. If readmitted, the student may be held responsible to any changes made to the curriculum since they last attended.


If a student is receiving federal financial aid and withdraws or takes a leave of absence from the University, the student may be subject to the federal Return of Title IV and state financial-aid return policies and to the terms of his or her student loan(s). (International students are bound by particular federal laws with regard to leave of absence; therefore this policy does not apply to them.)

While a student is on leave of absence, the University will report the student’s enrollment status to lenders and loan service entities as “not attending,” and a student loan borrower’s grace period will begin.

Students on an SPU leave of absence who do not attend school elsewhere for two consecutive quarters (including summer), or who attend another institution less than half time for two or more consecutive quarters (including summer), will be expected to begin repayment on some or all of their loans.

Students are advised to contact their lender(s) regarding enrollment plans and for repayment information and grace-period expiration.