Zoom Room Instructions

Zoom Room Instructions

Please follow these instructions for the hybrid rooms around campus that are licensed for Zoom Rooms.

Zoom Room Locations

  • CREM202

  • DLMH (McKenna) 118


Please contact IT Support at (206) 281-2982 if the Zoom Room system is not functioning as expected.

Our Recommended Use Case

To schedule meetings ahead of time for students and for ease of content sharing during your meeting, we recommend using your personal SPU Zoom account to start the meeting on the podium PC or your SPU laptop and simply inviting the Zoom Room to co-host.


To Get Started: simply touch the Logitech Tap touchscreen, unlock it with passcode: 778338 (SPUEDU on the keypad), and on your main Zoom device (podium PC or laptop), invite the relevant Zoom Room account after you have started the meeting. Then accept the meeting on the unlocked touchscreen.

  • svc_zoomroom1@spu.edu for DLMH118, svc_zoomroom2@spu.edu for CREM202 in the Zoom Rooms tab of the invite pop-up.

  • The name of the Zoom Room account is also listed on the Tap touchscreen if you unlock the device > Settings > look under Room Name

Make sure to make the Zoom Room account a co-host to control more directly from the touchscreen.


To Share Content: Share content directly from your device running the meeting.

  • By sharing content directly as a host or participant, the remote students can see the content on their end, and you have the option to display a Gallery/Dynamic view of remote users on the TV by selecting View on the touchscreen controller and selecting Gallery/Dynamic view.

If you use the Share Content Sharing Key from the touch panel, your shared content will also display to the TV and will gray out the options to select a Gallery/Dynamic view of remote users. Thus, if your goal is to keep your remote students visual on the TV, you must share content as described above. If your in-person students want to share content, they too will want to join as a participant instead of using the Sharing Key directly.

  • To display your content to the in-person students too, make sure to use the classroom PC or plug in your laptop to the HDMI and turn on the projector.


To Invite Users: If you didn’t invite all the users ahead of time when scheduling the meeting, you can invite them directly from the device running the meeting, or from the touchscreen (if the Zoom Room account is joined as co-host) in the Invite section > select SPU contacts under the Contacts tab or email the Zoom link directly under the Email tab.

Other: Make sure to go to View > turn off Mirror Effect to ensure that the remote users won’t see any of your whiteboard writing as backward

Other Functions on the touchscreen

Mute: mutes the microphones on the conference bar

  • To mute/unmute participants select Participants > Mute all/Unmute All

Stop Video: turns off the camera on the conference bar

Security: From this secondary menu you can:

  • Lock Meeting

  • Enable Waiting Room

  • Hide Profile Pictures

  • Determine participant abilities:

    • If they can share their screens

    • Who they can use the chat with during the meeting

    • If they can rename themselves

    • If they can unmute themselves

    • If they can start their video

    • If they can share their whiteboard

  • You can also Suspend Participant Activities

View: you can see the Speaker, Thumbnail, Gallery, and Dynamic views.

  • Dynamic view: “Viewers will see video frames shift dynamically in real-time as participants raise their hands or begin speaking, so colleagues know where to focus their attention.”

Switch Camera (This only applies to DLMH 118): Switch to the tabletop PTZ camera to get a view of the whiteboard and the speaker.

  • As this camera doesn’t have the option to auto-track, use the included remote to adjust the camera view as needed.

Camera Controls: you can use Manual controls set the camera’s view, use Speaker-Focus, or Auto-Frame groups of people.

Record: this option has been restricted on the Zoom Room account as it is a shared account in the classroom. To record meetings, use your personal device that is running the meeting as a host or joined as a co-host.

End: End Meeting for All or Leave the meeting with the Zoom Room account

Settings (gear icon in the top right corner): In general, you will not need to use any of these settings

  • Select Microphone

  • Select Speaker

  • Select Camera

  • Statistics

  • Help

  • About

  • See Advanced settings


  • Chat: Send messages to all participants

    • You can display the full chat or notifications on the TV (for in-person participants) by selecting More > Chat > click on the settings gear icon > toggle Show full chat panel on TV and/or Show notification on TV as on

  • Reactions: Raise hand or display emojis on your participant square

  • Captions: Show Captions, select My Speaking Language, set the caption size in Caption Setting, Enable Manual Captioner, Disable Captions

  • Breakout Rooms

    • If you select Recreate in the bottom right, it will allow you to set the Room Amount and how the rooms are assigned (automatically, manually, or allow participants to choose)

      • Additionally, you can edit the current Breakout Rooms from this main menu; Add Room as needed, rename each room by selecting the pencil icons next to the room names, hide/display the participant list in each room by selecting Extend All/Collapse All

    • Select Open All Rooms at the top-left to start the breakouts and hit End All Rooms to manually close all

    • Additional Breakout settings can be found by pressing on the gear icon in the bottom-right: Allow participant to choose room, Allow participant to return to the main session as any time, Automatically move all assigned participants into breakout rooms, Auto close breakout rooms, Countdown after closing breakout room, Set countdown timer

  • Whiteboard Settings: turn on Allow Participants to Share Whiteboards, set who can initiate new whiteboards and who can start sharing when someone else is sharing

Alternative Way to Run Your Zoom Meeting

This way details how to run the meeting directly from the Tap touchscreen:


To Get Started: simply touch the Logitech Tap touchscreen, unlock it with passcode: 778338 (SPUEDU on the keypad), and select Start Meeting.


To Invite Users: select Invite and under the Contacts tab, type in users' emails if they have an SPU email, or send them a direct link via email under the Email tab.

  • You can also pull up the Meeting Information (Meeting ID, Passcode, Dial #, etc.) if you select the green shield with a checkmark on the main meeting menu.



To Share Content: you can select the Share Content button, which will provide the Sharing Key for the Zoom desktop application, as well as the browser URL for content sharing if you are using a webpage on the device you are sharing content with. You can share content with your laptop, iPhone/iPad, or the classroom PC.

  • To display your content to the in-person students too, make sure to use the classroom PC or plug in your laptop to the HDMI and turn on the projector.

Invite Zoom Rooms to a Teams Meeting

From the Zoom Room Tap touchscreen:

  1. Select Home > Join.

  2. Select the Teams icon at the bottom of the pop-up page. image-20241218-233428.png

  3. Input the meeting IP > Join.

  4. Input the meeting passcode.



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