Student Payroll Policies

Student Payroll Policies

Statement and Purpose

Table of Contents

Payment for work done by student employees is based on the premise of "an hours pay for an hours work." Student employees are expected to be working each hour for which they are paid. Student employees are paid on the basis of submitting student employee timesheets to Student Payroll according to the published Payroll Schedule.

The Payroll schedule is also available in Student Payroll and Student Financial Services.

Before a student employee can access his/her timesheet via the web or receive payment for time worked, the following forms must be completed:

  1. an I-9 form
  2. W-4 form

Certain terms in this policy are defined at the end of the policy.

Entities Affected By This Policy

All Student Employees and Supervisors.

Policy Version: 1.0

Responsible Office: Financial Affairs 
Responsible Executive:
 Assistant Vice President for Financial Affairs

Effective Date: December 8, 2017
Last Updated:  
December 8, 2017 

Student Timesheets

Student employees must record the hours worked each day on student timesheets, available online through the Banner Information Systems (once all paperwork is completed) at www.spu.edu. Our Online Time Entry Directions will guide them through the process. Convert hours and minutes worked to decimal time (see decimal chart). For example, if a student worked two hours and fifteen minutes, the time would be recorded as 2.25 hours.

Decimal Time Conversion

5 min



10 min



15 min



20 min



25 min



30 min



35 min



40 min



45 min



50 min



55 min



Payroll Schedule and Paydays

Student paychecks are available twice per month in the Student Payroll office. Students may elect to have their paychecks directly deposited into their personal checking or savings account by completing a Direct Deposit form. Refer to the Student Payroll Schedule to determine pay dates. Paychecks are normally available after 9:00 a.m. on paydays and after 8:00 a.m. on non-payroll days. The Student Payroll Office is located on the third floor of Weter Hall.

Direct Deposit

What is direct deposit?
Direct deposit is the fastest way to get your paycheck into your bank account. It is especially convenient for paydays that occur when you are away from campus. Your net earnings are sent electronically to the bank account(s) you specify and will be deposited into your account by 6:00 a.m. on the payday. If you elect to use more than one account, you will need to specify how to split your earnings among the accounts.

How do I set up direct deposit?
A test run or “prenote” is done on the first payday following receipt of your completed authorization form. The prenote is usually successful on the first attempt, and the following payday your funds will be submitted to your account(s) electronically.

What if I want to change the account that is used for direct deposit?
Please notify SPU if you close your account(s), so that your direct deposit can be handled appropriately. The addition of new account(s) will require a prenote, so you may opt to receive a paper check on the payday when the prenote occurs, or you may have your funds directly deposited to your previously used account(s).

What if I want to change the amount that goes to my direct deposit account?
Submit your request for a change in direct deposit amount in writing—an email is fine. Please include the account that is affected and what the new amount should be. Student employees need to notify the student payroll technician, and all others notify the payroll lead.

Will I still receive pay stub information?
Currently, faculty and staff will receive an “advice of deposit” that includes all the same information as appears on a paper paycheck stub. Students receive direct deposit information by logging into the Banner Info System from the SPU homepage.

Early Check Policy

Early checks may be requested by completing a Request for Early Check form available in Student Payroll or on the web here. An early check will be processed only once per year per student employee. Student Payroll requires 24 hours to process the early check request.

Reissue of Lost Checks

If you receive a paper paycheck and it has been misplaced or destroyed, you may request to have it reissued. Please complete the Reissue of Lost Check form and deliver it to the Payroll Office. Upon receipt of the completed form, Payroll will contact the SPU bank to verify that the original check has not cleared. A stop payment will be placed on the original check and a new check will be issued. Student Payroll requires 24 hours to process the lost check request.

Maximum Hours per Week

Student employees are students first and employees second. Therefore, they are limited to working a maximum of 20 hours per week during the academic year. Students may work up to 40 hours per week during summer, Christmas Break or Spring Break. Students, with supervisor support, may petition to be allowed to work over twenty hours per week by writing a petition letter to the student employment coordinator. The petition must clearly demonstrate extenuating circumstances regarding the necessity of working additional hours, as well as information on the student's ability to maintain satisfactory academic standing while working additional hours.

Minimum Wage Changes

The Washington State Minimum Wage will be increased each year by the rate of inflation and shall be calculated using the consumer price index. The new minimum wage rate will take effect in January. Student Payroll will automatically increase student employees with a pay rate below the new minimum wage. Student Employment and Student Payroll will notify the campus when the minimum wage is increased and inform supervisors of the new rate.


Student employees are not eligible for benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, vacation, holiday and do not accrue unemployment benefits.

Student employees are not eligible for pay during campus closures (snow days, etc.), unless they are required to work. If you are required to work during a closure, you will be paid for the time worked at your normal rate of pay, unless otherwise arranged by your supervisor.

Breaks and Meal Periods

Student employees are eligible for one fifteen-minute break for every four consecutive hours worked. It is not appropriate to come to work 15 minutes late or to leave 15 minutes early and count that as your break. In addition, your break should be taken outside of the work area when possible.

When working an eight-hour day, student employees are entitled to a one hour unpaid lunch break. Student staff must take a minimum of a half-hour lunch break after working for five hours. Specific schedules for breaks and meal periods should be arranged with the supervisor according to departmental needs.

Address Changes

The Payroll Office uses the address on your W-4 form as a “permanent address.” If for some reason you need to make a change to this address please complete another W-4 form and write across the top of the form “Address Change.” This is the address used to mail your W2 forms at the end of the year.

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Definition of Terms

Please see our Policy Glossary for definitions of terms used in this policy.

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