Student Payroll

Student Payroll


Student Payroll is responsible for the processing and payment of SPU’s student employee paychecks. Questions regarding student paychecks, web time entry, time approval, paydays and tax withholdings should be directed to Student Payroll. All other questions related to student employment should be directed to the Office of Student Employment.

Seattle Pacific University is proud to sponsor a large on-campus student employment program. Student labor is a critical resource for numerous departments across campus. Student employees perform a variety of functions and are vital to the success of the University. 

There are two student employment programs on campus: the Federal Work Study program (FWS) and the institutional work study program. The Federal Work Study program, authorized by Congress in 1964, is designed to promote the part-time employment of students. Eligibility is based on demonstrated financial need as determined by an evaluation of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid form). The Student Employment Office (OSE), located in Student Financial Services, monitors student earnings under the FWS program. Eligible FWS students and the University must maintain compliance with FWS regulations.

The institutional study program is available to those students who do not demonstrate financial need based on the FAFSA form. Student earnings for the institutional work study program come directly from University funding. Student employees are paid every other week through the Student Payroll office.

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