Centralized Printing Policy

Centralized Printing Policy

Statement and Purpose

Table of Contents

Seattle Pacific University has invested in centrally managed multi-function printers (MFP) to improve service, reduce cost, and shrink the institution's carbon footprint. These printers are provided by the University to facilitate the normal business operations.  University employees are expected to use the provided MFPs for their printing and copying needs. Computer and Information Systems (CIS) will provide support for the campus MFP fleet. 

Certain terms in this policy are defined at the end of the policy.

Entities Affected By This Policy

All University faculty and staff.

Reason for Policy

  • Support green initiatives by reducing carbon emissions and the number of printing devices
  • Reduce the cost of consumables and energy by using more efficient printing devices
  • Reduce the labor and support costs for printers through standardization 
  • Increased network security and confidentiality of printed materials

Policy Version: 1.2

Responsible Office: Computer and Information Systems
Responsible Executive:
  AVP for Information Technology

Effective Date: April 22 , 2013
Last Updated:  
July 1, 2019

University Printing Services

Employees are expected to print to shared MFPs rather than to dedicated desktop printers. 

  • Departments are responsible for providing paper for non-publicly accessible MFPs located within their areas.
  • Per page fees are charged back to department budgets monthly. 

Confidential Printing

To help protect confidentiality of printed documents, SPU provided MFPs have a "secure print" option which holds print jobs until you swipe your SPU ID at any campus printer to retrieve it.  While printing these documents requires care by the staff member to ensure that they are not left on the device once they are printed, confidential printing needs are not justification for a personal printer.  Anyone using a publicly accessible printer to print confidential documents must use that shared printer’s secure print and release functionality.  

Personal Use of Campus Printers

When using University printers for personal print jobs, employees should select their personal printing account.  Funds can be added to an employee's personal account through Falcon Funds through Falcon Card Services or a print card can be purchased in the Library for personal use.

Printer Locations

MFPs are placed at locations on campus to ensure accessibility and meet printing volume demand. The aim will be to deploy fewer devices, using each device to its capacity, to generate efficiencies.  Locations are also chosen to minimize staff time required to access printing services.

Relocation of Printers

Detailed analytics are reviewed annually on printer usage and operating expenses.  This data will be used re-locate underutilized devices and to determine deployments in new locations.

Use of Desktop Printers

Desktop or personal printers undermine University goals for reducing waste and expense and should not be used.  Where the University MFP fleet does not meet the needs of a school or business unit, deans / department heads may request an exception. Exceptions may be granted with strong justification of a business need and agreement that the additional cost implications of this deployment will be met by the department. When the desktop printer requires replacement, the exception will be reviewed for continued justification.

Exception requests should be made by the department head and will be reviewed by the Director for Technology Support Services in CIS.  Desktop printers will be purchased using departmental funds and will be exclusively maintained and supplied by the department.  CIS does not support or assist with desktop printers

Networked Desktop Printers

Departments granted exceptions for printers needing network access will be charged a onetime support and setup fee of $500 to connect any printer to the SPU network and setup connectivity on business unit computers.  This fee may be waived if the exception is related to an employee health issue or regulatory compliance (for example, printing HIPPA content in the University Health Center).

All websites for networked desktop printers will be disallowed in order to protect SPU from the potential security risks that such websites pose.  Blocking these websites will prevent the following:

  • They become an unsecured point of access into our network.
  • Uninvited users would be able to set up a proxy server, able to see all print jobs going through the printer.
  • Depending on the printer model a person could pull full job histories, or even the jobs themselves.
  • These networked printers could also provide network information about other printers and computers that are on the network.

As a result, access to all websites for networked desktop printers will be secured.

Legacy Desktop Printers

Some printers purchased by departments prior to the roll out of the MFP fleet have been granted exception to remain in place until the device ceases to function.  When the desktop printer requires replacement, the policy on justification for usage applies. 

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