Guest Network Access

Guest Network Access

Policy Statement and Purpose

This policy sets forth provisions and responsibilities associated with guest account access to the Seattle Pacific University network. As a protected network, all usage is subject to appropriate-use provisions as set forth in the University’s Computer Acceptable Use policy. SPU’s network requires that access and usage be restricted to persons operating in an official capacity at the university. For university students, faculty, and staff members, credentials to access the network are automatically generated and provided. Some university affiliates, however, such as campus visitors and guests, do not receive login credentials by default. This policy sets forth the provisions for guest access to such individuals.

Guest use of the campus network is a privilege is not intended for the general public; it is provided expressly for persons who are visiting campus or are guests of persons with an official campus affiliation.

Table of Contents

Version: 1.1

Effective Date: August 16, 2010
Last Updated (minor edits):
 November 15, 2016

Responsible Office:
Computer & Information Systems
Responsible Executive:
AVP for Information Technology / CIO

Requirements for Visitor/Guest Access

  1. Requirements Governing Guest Access
    1. All persons accessing the SPU network resource must be authorized to do so as described in the "Statement and Purpose" above and abide by the provisions set forth in the University’s Computer Acceptable Use policy.
    2. All devices on the network must be identifiable by a unique MAC address and associated with an IP address and a user name (SPU account or valid personal email address). 
    3. Device registrations require that the guest owner provide legitimate contact details (name, phone number, email address) as requested in the registration process. False or incomplete information may prompt revocation of the guest access privilege.
    4. Registrations currently persist for 30 calendar days, upon which time the device must be re-registered for network access to continue.
    5. Each device connecting to the network must be patched and updated so as to be safe from viruses and malware.
  2. Temporary network access for visitors and guests is extended as a convenience for personal and business communication. The university makes no guarantee express or implied, concerning the availability, reliability, or confidentiality of transmissions made in the course of said access.
  3. Provisions for Revocation of Guest Account Access
    1. In the event that a device is found to be in violation of the provisions set forth herein, or if it is determined that registration details were falsified or omitted, the University reserves the right to revoke network access to the individual, device, or group, as well as enforce additional and appropriate disciplinary measures depending on the circumstances of the incident.

Conference Services Groups

  1. Conference Services Responsibilities
    1. Conference Services (CS) serves as the official university agent sponsoring those guests who use campus facilities on a contractual basis. CS also serves at the official conduit between CIS and the conference guest. CS shall communicate conference group guest access requirements to CIS in a timely fashion. CS will assist the conference in basic communication and connectivity issues. 
  2. Conference guests should follow the normal guest registration process to obtain network access to the SPU-Guest network SSID.
  3. As with normal guest registrations, access for conference guests will persist for 30 days from the initial date of registration.

Glossary of Terms

  1. “Guest Access” is defined as use of the university’s network resource on the part of campus visitors or affiliated guests.
  2. “Visitors” are defined as individuals who are on campus for a short period while attending an official university function or otherwise using university resources in an authorized/official capacity.
  3. “Guests” are defined as persons who are on campus as a result of their relationship with a member of the campus community. This could include family members, friends, and persons operating in a sponsored capacity such as a guest lecturer or visiting faculty member.
  4. This resource is not intended for use by the general public who are in proximity to campus but have no other reason to use this network apart from the fact that it exists.
  5. Guest access is not intended for use by persons who have SPU credentials.

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